Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

The Advantages of Weight Training for Women

Exercise helps to keep our bodies healthy by promoting metabolic activities; weight training for women has become popular unlike in the past years. In an age where all kinds of junk are being taken, it is only imperative that you exercise regularly to stay in shape, both physically and medically. These exercises help to increase the muscle strength and in weight reduction by burning excess fat.

Ever heard of the myth that women who attend weight training become masculine like men? This is a false tale because women do not produce testerone- hormone that is responsible for muscle development. Some professional body builders who develop such muscles do so by being injected with this artificial hormone, they are displayed on magazines and newspapers as adverts.

Starting the weight training for women

Most people become bored after starting an exercise program and they fail to meet their expectations, attending weight training for women requires a plan. As a beginner, the training may not be enjoyable but with time the outcome will be good. Here are things to do as you weight train at home:
  • Start by lifting light weights i.e. lie on a flat surface and lift two bottles  each full of two litres of water using your hands, breath in and out as you continue lifting the bottles up and down.Practise this for 15 minutes.
  • Stand upright and lift the bottle up and down as you make deep breathes, repeat this 25 times in order to make the shoulders strong.
  • Squat on the ground and place the water bottles on your shoulder remain in the same position and try to jog holding the bottles tightly. Repeat this 20 times a day and see how your lower muscles will become strong.
  • This exercise should be done every day for about two months since the outcome is not automatic. Doing it alone may be boring it is good to look for somebody to give you company.

Importance of weight training for women

It has been assumed that attending weight training for women will make one bulky after stopping the training. The myth stipulates that the spaces that had been occupied by the muscles are replaced by fats. This is a false story because our body muscles cannot be converted into fats, weight training for women has other greater impacts rather than muscle builds up.
  • Helps in minimizing chances of getting diabetes because it promotes metabolic activities hence insulin level is regulated.
  • Helps in reducing weight by burning excess calories found in the body, weight training for women has made them maintain figure.
  • Increases the density of the bones which helps in preventing conditions like osteoporosis.
  • Promotes blood circulation in the body by increasing the surface area of the vessels. The hypothalamus activities are made effective when doing weight training for women.

Precautions to take when doing weight training for women

Going to a gym or exercising at home may pose a health danger if proper care is not taken, weight training for women will be effective if:
  • You make proper plans on when and where to do the training. Women who want to get strong muscles must do the exercise early in the morning.
  • Avoid over-exercising because it will make the muscles fatigue leading to exhaustion and unenthusiasm in doing the workouts.
  • You should check on your diet, avoid eating a lot of fats the best foods to eat when doing weight training for women are fish, whole grain bread, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Since health is a basic necessity to every human being, efforts have been made by medical doctors to cure and prevent the spread of diseases. Some diseases do not require medication; all that is required is the effort of exercise. Do not listen to the myths that are meant to discourage women, your back pains will cease when you start weight training for women.

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