People who suffer from migraines know that they can be quite debilitating and result in a loss of productivity.
Even once the migraine subsides, the person suffering from the migraine can feel exhausted for a full day afterward.
Many migraine sufferers can be prescribed a wide variety of medications to treat migraines.
These can be quite expensive, and ultimately, not so effective.
Beyond the practice of conventional medicine are some alternative treatments for migraines.
The following is a discussion of some of these alternative therapies.
The first alternative we'll discuss involves the practice of Chinese medicine.
Chinese medicine focuses on imbalances in the body's energy flows and blood system.
Disruptions in the energy flows, or an imbalance in the blood system is viewed as the cause of the migraine.
Acupuncture is utilized in Chinese medicine as a treatment for migraines.
The acupuncture is applied at specific points along the body's meridians to help the flow of energy return to balance.
Combined with acupuncture, the Chinese medicine practitioner may also prescribe herbal blends and mineral supplements to assist with the treatments.
These help to clear out some of the toxins accumulating in the body from our food and environment.
The next alternative type of treatments involves Environmental Medicine.
In some cases, a diagnostic examination from a specialist in environmental medicine may reveal allergies, or an underlying issue in the body that may result in other issues.
Once these are diagnosed, acupuncture may be applied along with a prescription of vitamin supplements, creams and other therapies.
Another type of alternative treatment involves Nutritional Therapy.
Nutritional therapies are an alternative to conventional medicine in that utilize more natural prescriptions such as fish oil, flaxseed oil and other nutritional supplements.
This therapy may be combined with dietary recommendations and a slow reduction in prescription medicines used by the patient prior to therapy to effect improvement.
The last alternative treatment we'll discuss here involves Enzyme Therapy.
Enzyme therapy involves the diagnosis of any issues regarding the body's natural production of various enzymes.
The lack of some enzymes can result in chronic headaches.
A formula will then be prescribed to address any issues to help relieve the headaches.
Beyond these alternative treatments are structural oriented therapies such as chiropractic.
Chiropractic treatments are focused on creating better alignment in the skeletal/muscular systems.
After identifying problem areas, known as subluxations, the chiropractor will prescribe a series of adjustments.
Subluxations create nerve interference in the spine, and can be a cause of headaches.
These are just a few alternative therapies that migraine sufferers may try, rather than continue to ingest costly prescription medicines that really do nothing to prevent further migraines.
Some home remedies might also include aromatherapy, a warm shower, massage, etc.
Additionally, lifestyle changes may also be a good idea.
Migraine patients need to pay close attention to their diet, overall health and even work environment to determine of some changes may be beneficial.
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