Do you want sexy 6 pack abs this summer? If you want to turn heads with your new washboard body, keep reading to find out what are some of the most frequently asked questions about getting sexy, ripped abs.
What should or shouldn't I eat? To lose belly fat and shape up, you should try to stick to fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein.
I know it can be hard, but try to cut out greasy, fatty and highly processed foods.
The sooner you do this, the sooner you'll reach your 6 pack abs goal.
What should I drink? Plenty of plain water is the best thing to drink.
Sodas are full of empty calories and there is a school of thought that diet sodas can help you crave more sugar which is no good when you want to get rid of belly, butt and thigh fat.
Ordinary tea or coffee should be okay if you only have one or two per day.
Herbal tea is very healthy and good for you, so why not try a cup? 3.
How often should I exercise? At least five times per week for at least 20 minutes each time, even if it's just going for a walk.
This is beneficial for overall good health, as well as helping you in your quest for washboard abs.
What do I do now? Now you've got your food sorted out and you're embarking on a regular exercise routine, it's time to do specific work outs to develop those 6 pack abs.
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