Society & Culture & Entertainment Society & Culture Misc

Word Peace - You Can Make It Happen

The world news is grim; the possibility of World War Three is raising its ugly head, and its implications hang like a shroud heavy upon us.
Hundreds of thousands are dying in Iraq, while concerns about possible nuclear weapons proliferation in Iran and North Korea and their apparent political agenda to threaten world war within and near their prospective regions has the rest of us wondering if the world has gone mad.
Worse, we feel powerless, as if it is beyond our control.
After all, there are almost six billion people in this world.
In the US alone, we have now reached the 300 million mark.
With the threat of our global and personal security at risk, how can one person make a difference? What the world needs now is a global miracle First let us define what I mean by miracle.
There are those who consider that a miracle is a supernatural event, one that goes against the laws of nature, beyond the power of the visible.
The bible is filled with references to these types of miracles.
Paul Tillich, a renowned Protestant Theologian said :"A genuine miracle is first of all an event which is astonishing, unusual, shaking, without contradicting the rational structure of reality.
In the second place, it is an event which points to the mystery of being...
in the third place it is an occurrence, which is reserved as a sign event in an ecstatic experience.
There are others, including myself, who think that miracles can take the form of coincidences and synchronicistic events.
Consider this story by Professor Holland, called The Miraculous.
He tells the tale of a young boy, a tot, who was riding a toy car near the railroad crossing.
A wheel of the car gets trapped down the side of one of the lines, just as an express train is due.
A curve in the tracks would prevent the driver from seeing the child until it is too late.
The boy's mother comes running out of the house to look for her son, just as the train appears.
Amazingly the train stops just a few feet from the child.
The mother thanks god for a miracle, but in reality, the train driver had not seen the boy.
He had fainted and the brakes came on automatically, when he ceased applying the pressure to the control lever.
Was this a miracle, a coincidence, good luck, or the Grace of God?" Have you ever picked up the phone to call a friend and heard her voice on the other end before dialing? Have you prayed for all green lights to help get you there on time and got there just seconds before the meeting started? Ever found a quarter on the sidewalk when you need it for your parking meter and you have no change whatsoever? I remember the day when I found a $20.
00 bill and it fed my starving family for three days.
Talk about miracles! You probably dismiss these events as mere ordinary coincidences, but they are not.
There are some that consider these happenings small miracles, not as divine, but as a series of coincidences or synchronistic events.
If you track them by keeping a miracles journal, you may just find that these events occur frequently in your life.
In fact, once you begin to record them, you attract a greater number of these events into your life.
In other words, by paying attention to these often overlooked occurrences, you will find that you are attracting miracles into your life.
As a friend you've never met, I challenge you to look at events in your life a moment longer.
After all, we are taught that everything happens for a reason.
Imagine for a moment that these events are all the workings of you, that you create the world you are living in.
Not happy with the way your life is going, you have the unique ability to change your thoughts to attract a more positive outcome.
You have just forgotten that you have this innate potential to affect your life.
We refer to small things as miracles all the time.
People say it's a miracle when the mail appears within a day from NY to LA, or a parking space suddenly appears in front of your destination, or traffic was so bad it was a "miracle" you made it on time.
We call it a miracle, not because it is divine but that it divinely occurred just at the right time, out of thin air, from nowhere in a sense.
The miraculous made manifest in our personal lives.
The fact that we can change our lives is a forgotten miracle.
There is much evidence that thought creates reality, ie that our reality is created by our thoughts about what our reality is.
In other words, if you spend your time thinking negatively, and use words like, "I can't afford it, I hate my job, life is hard, I am in scarcity," that is exactly what you get back.
Your life reflects this struggle, this reality you created.
Let me explain it differently.
Imagine you are at the diner, ordering breakfast.
The waitress brings you your order just as you requested it.
Our reality is the same.
We order up what we want, and the universe, seeing our thoughts as real, sends us just what we requested.
The key begins when we change our thoughts, in order to change our reality.
There are many going around saying that the sky is falling, the sky is falling, we are in danger.
Yes, it may be true, but the more people who send out those thoughts the greater the chance the sky will fall.
Does this make sense? It requires a shift in your perception, an awareness that the world around you that you have created is miraculous, thus, worthy of our attention.
It follows that if our reality is created by our thoughts, then lets change our thoughts to create a new reality.
Here's how it can work.
Suppose you are unhappy with where the policies dictated by our country's leaders are taking us.
Begin to imagine what this country would look like with a different government, or new elected leaders.
It's too easy to say we don't like the war, or we are angry about the new rules that are being implemented because we can't change those overnight.
But what we can change is our inner thoughts.
So start by writing down exactly how you would like this country to be run, how you would like the government officials to act.
Create a new budget that reduces poverty and hunger, creates good schools and enhanced education, supports the arts, the elderly, the uninsured.
Whatever your personal agenda may be, begin to visualize first what it is you really want.
Call it your ideal US.
Once you do that, you can begin to create your global dream.
What kind of world do you want to live in.
I know for sure, that I don't believe in war, I believe in peace.
I believe that we can end world hunger and poverty by working together, by aligning ourselves with people throughout the world.
Its incomprehensible that humans can kill other humans, and foster cruelty towards each other.
If enough of us begin to conceptualize what type of world we envision, we can begin to move forward to create it, to make it happen.
That's why I say world wide miracles begin at home, they begin with each of us, daring to believe that our actions and thoughts can make a difference.
Now I'm not asking you to take my word for it and believe the words coming out of my mouth.
To you, I'm a total stranger, and after all, we are taught not to talk to strangers! All I am asking you is to try it for yourself and see.
Observe it for yourself.
Just believe that you have the power to hear the song you like on the radio, or find that parking space in the crowded mall.
Believe that you have the ability to do the unthinkable.
Won't you give it a try? If it doesn't work for you, then you certainly haven't lost anything by proving me wrong.
And once you've tried this little experiment, ask yourself: If I have the ability to make mini miracles happen, don't I have the ability to do bigger and better things? Someone once asked me if I thought that world peace was possible.
To which I replied, "It's not only possible, it's inevitable.
" Forget the fact that crime rates, prison populations, and violence stats are at an all time high.
Truth is, things have to get worse before they get can get better.
We've reached our peak, and now it's time for a change.
I believe that each of us has the potential to create personal miracles, and to spread these miracles throughout the world.
When you step into your unique personal power, you become a Miracle Maker for others around you.
Thus, you yourself are already a Miracle Maker.
As a drop of water in the sea spreads outward, that's precisely how we spread global miracles.

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