Health & Medical Acne

Acne Scar Cure - Acne Scar Treatment

In most of the cases acne lesions get cured unnoticed leaving behind a trace of hyperpigmented or reddish marks on the skin. In a true sense these are not acne scars, rather postinflammatory changes initiated by our skins natural healing process which takes about 6 to 12 months to bring itself back to its normal healthy state, provided there is no more acne lesions erupted in that region. However, if any pigmentation or disfigurement persists for more than 1 year, it could be considered as an acne scar. Prevention is better than curethis famous adage is quite relevant to handle postinflammatory changes caused by acne. As soon as you notice the first sign of acne outbreaks take necessary precautionary measures to remove them root and branch. Early stage mild lesions could be healed easily with the help of numerous topical over-the-counter products or home remedies.

You might follow some very simple defensive measures to avoid the formation of any red marks due to skins natural remodeling process. These measures would help you to speed up the healing process, thereby diminishing the likelihood of any postinflammatory changes to take place. Always use appropriate sun screen lotion to protect your skin from undue sun damage which might delay the healing process. Using appropriate formulations of tretinoin, alpha-hydroxy acids, and beta-hydroxy acids help to accelerate the repairing process and heal any red stain caused by acne. You might also see a doctor to ensure whether whatever you are following as acne treatment is the best one for you.

Based on the appearance acne scars are categorized as icepick, rolling, and boxcar. Icepick scars are sharp and narrow which usually extend up to deep subcutaneous layer. Rolling scars form due the tethering of top layer of the skin to the deep dermal tissue giving rise to an undulating shape. Boxcar scars are round to oval dentations over the skin. There are mainly two types of laser treatment: ablative or resurfacing and nonablative. While resurfacing laser technique is invasive in nature, the later acne scar cure is noninvasive and more effective in some cases. Both of the techniques are aimed at removing the scarred skin, rejuvenating the natural collagen formation, thereby fixing the contour of the skin and restoring a new healthy and glowing skin within a very short period.

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