It's an exciting time in life for a 16-year-old, they finally have their driver's license, and the world is about to open up.
But at the same time, you need to find the best 16yr old insurance you can, and make sure that your 16 year old is covered for any accident or collision.
It can be scary as a parent in not only allowing their child to drive on the road, but it also can be scary to shop for vehicle insurance.
Everyone knows that insuring young drivers can be expensive, but there are a few ways that you can shop and possibly save a bit of money.
Of course the first thing you need to do is start comparison shopping by adding your teenager to your own vehicle insurance policy.
Also, remember that there are good student discounts available with many different insurance companies, so if you're 16-year-old driver actually has good grades, you can save money with that too.
If you decide that adding your teenager to your policy is not going to work, then you can begin to shop for them to have a policy of their own.
You have to check with your state's insurance commission, they may have age limits as to having their own insurance policy.
Usually you're going to find it less expensive to add your young driver to your own insurance policy, but it might be worth a look.
Along with shopping for insurance, many parents begin shopping for a vehicle for their young driver.
If you really want to save money resist the temptation to purchase a fancy car for your teenager.
Often, those inexpensive four doors, or older vehicles are going to cost you less to insure.
You will want to make sure that the vehicle has all of the latest safety features; after all, it's your child behind the wheel.
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