Health & Medical Lose Weight

Secret Rule - Lose Belly Fat

Have you ever had any success getting rid of your belly fat doing sit ups? Have you ever known anyone who did? Have you ever had any success losing belly fat with any ab workouts? No.
That's what I thought and that's because there is a secret rule to losing belly fat that no one seems to know.
But, I'm about to tell you.
The secret rule to lose belly fat is that you have to lift weights.
Surprised? I thought so.
Let me explain.
The fact of the matter is that you can't spot reduce fat which is what most people are trying to do when they do sit ups and other ab workouts.
To lose belly fat you need to reduce your overall body fat percentage.
However, the typical ab workout doesn't burn enough calories to do that.
Remember that a pound of fat is 3,500 calories and the average person only burns 2,000 calories in the average day.
So, it really takes a lot of work to lose just one pound of fat.
But, what about running distances? This is a great way to reduce your overall body fat percentage, it truly is.
However, the problem with that is once the workout is over so is your capacity to burn fat at a higher rate.
Remember, even after the average day is done you've only burned 2,000 calories and still have 1,500 more to burn to lose a single pound of fat.
So how do we solve that problem? By raising your resting metabolism rate...
and that's exactly what lifting weights does in a couple of ways.
First, muscle weights more than fat which causes the body to work harder throughout the day and, you guessed it, burn more calories.
Second, by doing compound exercises like the clean and jerk, dumb bell snatches, dead lifts and bench press you are throwing your body into a state of metabolic shock which increases your metabolism for days after the workout.

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