You have started an weight loss program and all of a sudden the holidays have come along, all those goodies like pies, puddings, cakes and cookies are calling out for you to partake in the all so goodness of them.
You really don't want to do it.
You may have in the back of your mind how to maintain weight loss during the holidays.
You are thinking that if I just have a little it won't do that much harm.
Well do you realize that just by you eating a little will lead up to you eating more and before you know it all the weight that you worked so hard to burn off will be back and then some.
No worries there is a solution, you can seek out some modified versions of those same deserts.
Or you can choose to instead having a whole slice of pie have a have of a slice.
By cutting down by half the amount of desert you take in you will only take in half the calories.
It is better for you not to torture yourself or deprive yourself of those treats because you just might end up going for it and then going to far.
It seems that is just human nature.
One thing that you can do is create those same deserts using some substitutes that are less fatty.
If you go to Foodnetwork.
com and click on the Healthy Eating tab you will be able to find some low fat recipes that will taste great.
Here are a few things to keep in mind never skip any meals, some folks think that if they skip a meal that will leave the door open to splurge on the holiday foods and deserts.
That is not the case, by skipping a meal you will become moody, tired and more hungry.
You will end up becoming a eating machine and you will end up stuffing yourself before you know it.
Whatever weight-loss progress you have achieved would be all at a loss.
So don't allow yourself to get in that situation.
One of the best things that you can do before going to the family get-together or part is eat a healthy snack before you go like a fruit salad, or a veggie salad.
You also can drink some water that will help you to not to be in starvation mode by the time you arrive.
Make sure that once you get to the relatives house or that party that you make sure to sit far away from the buffet area, if it is out of your site it will be out of your mind.
You really don't want to challenge your willpower, because in the end guess who would win.
If you have no choice in where you have to sit make sure you make the right choices, get a small plate and choose some fruit or cut up veggies.
Drink plenty of water during the get-together or party and it will again help you be hydrated and it will help you feel full.
You will also boost your metabolism and wash some of the fat out of your system.
Make sure that you don't stop your exercise program during the holidays you will need all the more to burn the calories.
You make have to add some additional work-outs in.
Instead of doing a 30 minute a day program you may have to do 60 minutes a day (30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening).
Remember to choose some exercises that are fun, walking is the easiest form of exercise.
You also may want to purchase a Nintendo Wii System, the Wii System offers a choice of exercise programs that will help you to get healthy and you will not realize that you are exercising.
Wii sports and Wii Fit are really good for the whole family.
You can enjoy the holidays and you can have fun just as long as you do the things you need to do so that you do not mess up your weight-loss program.
If you do all that was suggested in this article you will not ever wonder again how to maintain weight loss during the holidays.
To get more suggestions and tips on weight loss please check the resource box below.
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