Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Create Sexual Tension With a Woman - Make Her Want You Like No Other!

Unfortunately, most guys get the wrong idea about sexual tension with a woman somewhere along the line.
They think that they have to be friends with a woman first, and they think that any kind of tension that they might have with a woman is a bad thing.
So, they try to be Mr.
Agreeable all of the time, they try to be as polite as they can, and they try to avoid any sexual conversation at all.
Of course, with all of this trying, they usually end up being just friends with a woman, when they would much rather be more.
If you don't want to be that guy that always ends up being too safe, too friendly, and instead you want to be the guy that women want to date and sleep with, then you need to be able to create sexual tension with a woman.
If you don't, then you will just keep on getting what you have been getting, and keep wondering why you always end up as just a friend and nothing more.
Here are a few tips on how to create sexual tension with a woman and make her want you like no other man: 1) Stand your ground when talking to her.
While you certainly do not want to be too argumentative with a woman, there is something to be said for a guy who knows how to stand his ground.
For example, let's say that you are talking to her, and she says something that you just do not have the same opinion on.
Most guys would say something like, "You're right.
" Well, that's not really standing your ground, is it? Instead, let her know that you have a different opinion.
Most women are not attracted to guys who agree with EVERYTHING that they say, and they want to see that a guy has a little backbone.
2) Learn how to use Push/Pull to your benefit.
If ever there was an EASY way for you to create sexual tension with a woman, the it would be by using the concept of push/pull with her.
What this means, in the most basic form, is that there has to be a push from you and a pull from her, and then vice versa.
What most guys do, is they just push.
Meaning, they pursue, pursue, pursue.
They never once pull back and let HER do some of the pursuing.
You kind of have to if you want her to feel any sexual tension and sexual attraction, plus it just makes the whole thing a lot more FUN for both you and her.

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