It is sad, yet amusing, to see content writers try to do copywriting, something that has nothing to do with their existing writing skills. Sadly, they reduce copyrighting to something very simplistic, when in reality it is an art. You really can't do anything about people like this, but you can do something on your own. For instance, a little benefit bullet is so powerful that you should not be fooled by how simple it looks. Learning about these little bullet points can really open your eyes to the fact that they are doing a lot beneath the surface of simplicity. After that, it comes down to dedication, hard work and practice.
Benefit bullets were once standard; a basic dot on the left, text to the right that described the benefit. This format remains popular, and many marketers use it to this day. Yet many marketers have now taken to using much fancier images for their bullets. You have many choices in this area, but make sure the result looks appealing.
Don't use anything that will make your page look sloppy or silly. You never want to attract attention for the wrong reasons. Your bullets should have a look that harmonizes with the rest of your copy.
There are certain formatting rules that apply to benefit bullets online, and it's really pretty easy to figure this out. Yet it's still worth mentioning, as it really does have an impact on how effective your copy is. Bullets should be indented, and in a way that's uniform from one line to the next.
You can find plenty of examples on the internet if you want to make sure you're doing it right. Also, a really smart thing to do is make sure your bullets are rendering properly and as expected in all browsers. If anything, you can safely expect to have formatting and rendering issues in the various Internet Explorer browsers.
Since the whole point of bullets is to break up your copy, you'll probably want to use multiple benefit bullet lists when your content is lengthy. Each sales letter is a little different, so it's a matter of finding the look that's right for your purposes. Your copy should always be balanced as much as possible..
You have plenty of leeway when it comes to using bullet lists, as long as they go well with the rest of the copy. Bullets can be useful for describing the benefits of products with multiple items -such as a course made up of several DVDs. In this case, you'd want to put some break in between the lists so the page would have a balanced look. In conclusion, you should know that experienced copywriters have a lot of tricks when writing benefit bullets. Never use standard format for sales copy either! You need to stand out and be unique. The tempo and rhythm of the sales copy is something that you should pay attention to. Though there are good arguments for placing your most important points first or last on the benefit bullets, you will have to do what you think is best.
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