Smurfs costumes are a great and versatile disguise for every costume party, not only on Halloween. The cute Smurfs that have made their first comic appearance in 1958 have accompanied and enchanted the lives of generations of children. Ask anybody who was born in the 60s, or later, if they remember the Smurfs from their childhood and you will be hard pressed to find somebody that says 'no'. And today's children will have seen, or want to see, the 3d movie 'The Smurfs' which has created a revival of this lovable blue, three apples high characters. So it is safe to say that Smurfs costumes will be soon the big thing to wear to a party. Here some great ideas to make the most out of them.
Going As The Smurf Family
Dressing up the kids as Smurfs is fun, even more is dressing up as Smurfs with them! And why not switching roles with parents wearing Smurfette and Baby Smurf costumes and the kids going as Papa Smurf or even Gargamel?
Cross Dressing
Same idea as above, but more suitable for grown-up parties. She could wear a Handy Smurf costume, tools and all included, whilst he is downing a gorgeous Sassette Smurfling outfit.
Going To The Movies
Don't let get the costumes to waste after only one party! Get some friends together and go to see the new movie. All dressed up in blue and all as different personas. The last bit might require a bit of organizing to avoid having everybody being dressed up the same.
Choose An Unusual Dress
Chances are that if you are invited to such a party a lot of people will turn up with the same costume and as the same persona. If you want to stand out from the crowd you should choose one that is more unusual and add some DYI accessories to it. You could, for example, go as Azrael, Gargamel's mangy cat.
Smurfs Costumes will be the next big thing to wear at this year's party and if you want to be 'in' and fashionable, they are on the 'must have' list. No matter which one you prefer, adding some extra accessorizes to them will surely make you stand out from the crowd. If you don't remember what things are typical about each Smurf, look if you can find some of the original episodes on DVD or read a re-print of the comics. This also helps you to brush up your knowledge about their special language. Happy smurfing!
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