Actually, No.
Despite the belief that baldness may result from too much thinking, the truth is that the condition is hereditary.
Baldness involves the state of lacking hair where it would normally grow.
The fact that the human brain is located inside the skull, just below where hair grows, contributed to the belief that abuse as well as mental diseases could have effect on hair growth and number.
As the saying goes "Grass don't grow on busy streets".
There are several kinds of baldness.
The most common is the androgenic alopecia, which is a progressive hair thinning condition.
It is inherited from our ancestors.
It may start as early as adolescent period but usually begins in the mid-twenties.
This same belief extends to considering people with intellectual jobs more prone to baldness problems compared to manual laborers.
The average scalp produces 100,000 hairs, each sprouting from a follicle.
The Hair follicle is a bulb-like vase which supplies nutrients to the hair.
When a strand of hair becomes mature, its follicle becomes inactive, causing the strand of hair to shed.
Average head loses about 100 hair strands a day.
Some drugs and skin diseases like ring worms may cause excessive hair loss, but hair will resume to grow when these problems are cured.
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