- 1). Send everyone out of the room, open any windows and turn off any forced air. Let the room air out for 15 minutes.
- 2). Put on puncture-resistant gloves.
- 3). Pick up broken glass and debris from carpets, rugs or mats. Scoop shards and any powder from hard surfaces using stiff card stock or paper. Do not use a broom or vacuum.
- 4). Wrap glass from broken vials or ampules in paper towels or gauze.
- 5). Use duct tape to pick up all remaining powder and glass shards.
- 6). Wipe hard surfaces clean with damp paper towels.
- 7). Vacuum carpeted areas. Remove the vacuum bag and thoroughly wipe down the canister with wet paper towels.
- 8). Deposit all collected debris, damp paper towels, used duct tape and vacuum bags in either a sealable plastic bag or a glass jar with a metal lid. Include any bedding or clothing that came in direct contact with mercury-containing powder from a broken bulb, as well as wet paper towels used to wipe contaminated shoes.
- 9). Place sealed bags and containers in designated receptacles.
- 10
Contact your local waste authority to dispose of the cleaned-up debris in accordance with local, state and federal laws.
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