- Rubbing alcohol is a solution that includes approximately 70 percent to 99 percent pure ethanol. Sometimes manufacturers add water to rubbing alcohol hand gels to make them easier for the skin to absorb.
- You can use rubbing alcohol on the skin. It is sometimes applied on sore and itchy skin as a soothing antiseptic. Surgeons, doctors and nurses sometimes use rubbing alcohol to disinfect their hands between patients or before surgery and for medical instruments.
- Rubbing alcohol is a useful antiseptic against bacteria and some viruses and is effective against strains of the flu virus and gastrointestinal infections. Rubbing alcohol gels are available in pocket-sized bottles for everyday use. This enables you to wash your hands in the absence of soap and water.
- Rubbing alcohol is safe to use on your hands but dangerous to ingest. Poisoning can cause stomach pain, dizziness, nausea, slowed breathing, slurred speech and vomiting. It may even cause a coma if left untreated. You should seek medical help immediately if you suspect you may have ingested rubbing alcohol.