Thanks to some hard working individuals and a little government funding, a new program was developed to train Systems Analyst in EMR implementations.
Through Gateway Community College and the City of Phoenix, there is now an internship opportunity to help EMR implementations take place in some 1900 primary care offices in the state of Arizona.
Gateway CC is also working towards a consortium of 50 colleges across to nation to spread analyst throughout the country.
The City of Phoenix has set a minimum of 80 work hours per individual to help start the move from paper to electronic records.
These highly trained individuals will be at your disposal at no cost to you and would be a great opportunity for physicians who are not sure how to proceed with EMR solutions and eventually showing meaningful use and more importantly bring the quality of patient care to a new level.
Also, now that meaningful use has been defined and we have an election around the corner, what is the future of the health care recovery bill in the US? As a individual who is training to become a systems analyst for EMR implementations, I can not help but worry.
According to the Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund, "Kaiser Family Foundation survey from last month that found 48% of respondents viewed ObamaCare favorably, other polls tell a different story.
Rasmussen Reports found 60% of likely voters in this fall's election still back repeal of the bill.
A new survey by pollster Whit Ayers for the GOP group Resurgent Republic found voters back repeal by 53% to 41%, even when juxtaposed against a strong populist message that "we should stand up to the insurance companies, not give in to them.
" (Fund 2010).
So with the push for EMR's and Meaningful Use, is there enough "money in the game" to keep the HIT going on the current track or does is get railroaded and derailed to sit and wait as it has in the past? Even with these questions looming over us, we continue on with our education and look forward to helping bring patient care and quality of care to the next level.
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