- Weeds are simply plants that grow in areas where they are unwanted. Weeds can be a problem in lawns because, in addition to looking unsightly, they steal nutrients, water, and sunlight from desirable plants and grasses.
- When picking weeds by hand, consider sprinkling the soil with water first. This will loosen up the soil and make it easier to pick the weed. In addition, be sure to remove the entire root system. If the entire root system is not removed, leftover pieces can produce new weeds.
- If you prefer not to spend an afternoon on your hands and knees, consider using a hand-held garden hoe to pull up weeds. If you prefer an even less laborious weed removal methods, consider applying an herbicide. Keep in mind that herbicides are either selective or non-selective. Selective herbicides will only kill a specific weed, whereas non-selective herbicides will kill everything that they come in contact with, including healthy grass.
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