Internet users are always looking for good content, and one of the best ways to make money online is to write articles which drive traffic to offers that you have. There is a lot of work involved, but at least it won't cost you a lot of money to get going.
Keyword research is the first thing you will need to do. The trick is to find what people are looking for on the internet and then using those keyword phrases to generate articles that will direct them to the products that they are looking for. Try to find keyword phrases that have a lot of searches but not too much competition, and in this way it will be easier to get your article to page one of the search engines for that particular keyword phrase.
You can either use your article to direct your customers to your website, which will have various offers for them, or you could direct them straight to an affiliate website. If you are submitting your article to article directories, just check the fine print, as some directories don't accept affiliate links, only links to your own website.
Some article sites will let you embed active links into the text of your article. For instance, if you write about a holiday in France, you could then link up relevant keywords with a travel agency that would give you a commission if the reader books a holiday through them. Use your article several times on your blog, website or article directories and you should get a lot more traffic.
You don't have to be a wordsmith to write an article, you just need some time and some thought put into your article. The more articles you write, the better you will get at it and the easier it will get. Remember with article marketing, more is better. The more articles you can write and get out there, the more traffic you will generate.
A good domain name purchased and forwarded to your chosen product, will work well for something that you promote a lot. This makes your link look friendlier and more professional, and more article directories will accept links like this.
One thing you do not want to do is copy articles word for word. A lot of article directories ban you for plagiarism. Rather write your own unique content with your own spin on it or hire a writer to do an article for you. Once you have submitted your article, promote it in the social sites, bookmarking sites and forums for mazimum exposure.
I am sure that you will agree with me that article marketing can be very profitable indeed if done regularly and over the long term.
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