Health & Medical Yoga

Which Yoga Mats Are Best?

Pat had long though about taking yoga, but when he decided to take his first yoga class, he didn't know that he would have to go looking at yoga mats.
He had thought that his gym would provide them.
Like most gyms, his fitness center did have a stack of yoga mats in the back of the room, but after he took one look at them, he realized that he might want to invest a few bucks into one of his own.
These yoga mats that are used by everyone and their brother are not healthy.
The truth is rarely told, but they are not very hygienic.
Although yoga instructors may tell their students to spray down the mats after each use, few people do, and even if they do, it doesn't get rid of all the germs.
So, unless you absolutely have to use one, you shouldn't use a yoga mat if it's not yours.
- There are very inexpensive yoga mats in most department stores, sporting goods stores, and even discount retail outlets.
These are often called "sticky mats", not because of the way you stick to them, but rather the way they stick to the gym floor.
They won't slide around like a towel or a cloth mat might do.
They are made of a colorful foam-like material that is easy to keep clean, roll up, and carry home.
- You may also want to look into buying a thicker, black mats that are used by many people who do yoga on a regular basis.
These mats are heavier in weight and thickness, and are actually a little cumbersome to carry around.
So unless you have a need for a particularly heavy mat, you don't need to go further than the sticky mat.
- There are obviously many outlets that you can buy yoga mats from in your own town, but you might want to check out first reliable online retailers which haves a wide variety of these mats and a lot of information about the practice of yoga.
Pat soon found that it was not only easy to find yoga mats that were affordable, but that they come in a wide variety of colors and styles.
For men, there are darker colors and mats that are a little bigger.
Some of these mats come with straps or bags, so that it is easy to carry your mat to class with you every day or just throw it in the trunk of your car.

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