My first ever review is of one of the greatest games of all time The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (Note: This review may contain some spoilers).
A classic opening sequence follows a first person point of view of Link's (the protagonist of the story) fairy Navi.
Navi is rushing through Kokiri Forest to give Link a message from the towns leader the Great Deku Tree (a beautifully crafted forest with vivid and crisp details for a game released in 1998).
Navi eventually finds Links Tree House Perched onto wooden planks attached to a flat tree top.
At that I will end with a cliffhanger of what Navi needs to tell Link and for anyone who wishes to experience this game for themselves.
Gameplay This installment in Zelda is not only the first 3D title for the series but it also introduced Z-targeting for using projectiles like the slingshot, bow and bombs also for use with swordplay.
Enemies become progressively harder throughout the game and force you to use strategy rather than blind slashing to take down your foes.
This is a mix of an action adventure and puzzle genre title, and as many zelda fans know this game heavily relies on players traveling throughout hyrule field (found after completing the first temple of the game) and exploring elaborate temples with genius puzzles crafted to make you reach unimaginable lengths of problem solving to complete these puzzles.
Every temple contains an item that is found and is to be used to complete temples.
Graphics A true test to early 3D games was creating realistic textures, character models and landscapes.
This is one of the few 3D games of the 1990's that can stand the test of time without severe ageing.
Character models show true emotions landscapes such as Hyrule Field and Kokiri Forest are extremely detailed and the games textures show a large amount of attention to detail.
Zelda (The princess of Hyrule) is given an elegant pink and jeweled dress which shows the Nintendo 64's graphical prowess (for its time) and for many this is Zeldas definitive form.
Sound This is a game known for its many iconic tunes like Zeldas Lullaby and the Song of Time.
A soundtrack like this in video games is hard to come across and the Ocarina of Time is a great instrument to show the series unique design as a whole.
Replayability The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time is a game known for its replayability even though its the same game experiencing it again is like trying it for the first time.
People love it who are now experiencing it have already played through it and that is one of the games multiple strengths.
Although the game may not be for everyone because of how long its been since the game was first released (Although its been reported to both the 3DS and Gamecube) and it is showing its age more and more as games are becoming life like.
A Masterpiece that showcases one of Shigeru Miyamoto's (Creator of the Zelda series as well as other Nintendo series) greatest games that combines amazing gameplay, graphics, sound, and replayability to create the best Zelda game of all time (In my opinion) Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it.
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