Home & Garden Landscaping & Garden & Landscape

Preparing Ground for Soft-Side Pools

    • 1). Determine the best spot in your yard for the pool. The best site will not contain current Bermuda grass growth, burrowing animals or protruding tree roots. Avoid situating your pool underneath power lines or above septic tanks.

    • 2). Determine the diameter of your pool, and cut a piece of string long enough that it reaches half the diameter plus 12 inches when tied to a wooden stake. Tie the string to the stake loosely enough that it can rotate around the wood.

    • 3). Drive the wooden stake in the center of your chosen site, ensuring that the string remains above ground. Position the string tie at ground level.

    • 4). Hold the string taut and mark off where it hits the lawn with chalk powder or a small marker flag. Rotate the string about a foot and mark again. Continue until the entire circumference where the pool will sit is marked.

    • 5). Remove all sod from inside the marked area using a hoe and shovel. Pull up all blades of grass and any weeds you see, taking care to pull out the entire root system as well.

    • 6). Determine the lowest point of the cleared circle. Make the ground level to that spot with a shovel. Pat down uneven parts gently, but do not add dirt to low lying spots, as this can make the ground unstable for the pool when the earth settles.

    • 7). Check the entire circle with a level to ensure that the ground is uniformly flat. Use a tamp to flatten out high areas and check the circle with the level again. Repeat until the ground is perfectly level.

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