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Video: How to De-Fungi Plant Potting Soil in a Potted Plant

Video Transcript

Hi. I'm Robyn Jasko, author of Home Sweet Home Grown and founder of Grow Indie. And today, I'm going to teach you how to defungi potting soil in a potted plant. So one of the things about indoor gardening is that your pots and your plants are inside and they don't get a lot of air flow and that could mean that fungus develops. So if you run in to a fungus problem, which you could tell by looking at the soil, you'll see little bits of mold maybe showing up on the soil. Or maybe you'll notice that some of the leaves are yellowing. You know that you have a fungus problem. But don't worry, this is very easy to fix. And you don't have to resort to heavy duty pesticides. You can easily make your own concoction at home to take care of the mold and get rid of it quick. What you're going to need is hydrogen peroxide, a spray bottle and some water and you're going to mix up one part hydrogen peroxide to nine parts water. And then you're going to put that in a spray bottle, and you're going to spray the soil. You want to sprat it one to two times a day until the mold starts to go away. And hydrogen peroxide is a great natural anti-fungal. So it'll make short work of that mold. So you just spray your plant then spray it right, you try not to get too much on the leaves. You know, just try to focus on the soil. And do that about one to two times a day and your mold problem will go away. So, I'm Robyn Jasko, author of Home Sweet Home Grown and founder of Grow Indie. And that is how to defungi plant potting soil in a plant pot.

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Video: How to De-Fungi Plant Potting Soil in a Potted Plant


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