Acne can definitely fluster a person's self-confidence. Most sufferers feel that they are not socially accepted because they feel ugly and think that people feel gross whenever they're around. Most sufferers avoid social interactions because of insecurity and anxiety, thinking that whatever they do, people will always have a shallow judgment and perception toward them.
The Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institute of Health states that inflammation of the skin is one sign of B6 deficiency. Clinical signs of vitamin B6 deficiency are rarely seen in the United States. Alcoholics and aging adults are at the highest risk for B6 deficiencies due to poor dietary habits.
Zinc and Vitamin A are two great supplements for acne treatment. Zinc helps to promote the healing process as well as reduce the chance of scarring. It also helps reduce inflammation and fights infection. Take 50 mg of Zinc per day. If you wish, you may want to take it with 5mg of copper which can sometimes become deficient when taking Zinc supplements, however, this is optional.
One of the best natural acne cure is applying tomato juice on the scars blended with condensed milk powder. Tomato juice contains cleansing enzymes, that efface the spots quickly. Mixing with milk powder makes the skin smooth. The ruddy marks disappear if mixed with cucumber juice.
Vitamin C helps in in the production of collagen in the body. Collagen is the connective tissue found in skin and bones. Also, vitamin C fortifies immunity and fights against infections. One should bear in mind that acne is a skin infection and improving immune function assists in the fight against acne. Vitamin C also boosts the body's healing powers and helps in the absorption of iron. Smoking, taking antibiotics or oral contraceptives depletes your body's vitamin C levels. If you fall into any of these categories, you will need to proportionately increase your vitamin C intake. Natural sources of vitamin C are oranges, grapefruit, lemons, blackcurrants and blackberries.
Another in the list of natural acne cures is using apple cider vinegar. This acidic solution helps in curing acne by fighting against bacteria, dissolving excess oil from skin pores and also, by maintaining the skin pH. As far as apple cider vinegar acne treatment is concerned, one can add dilute form in the diet or apply directly to skin.
If we speak of acne herbal treatment, then the one recipe that comes to my mind is one that is made of lemon juice and rose-water, mixed in equal parts. The antibacterial property of lemon juice and that of rose-water, helps in treating any bacterial infection that might have been the cause of acne. The solution also serves as a natural skin toner.
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