- 1). Make sure that the courses for which you earned credit at your previous graduate school are directly relevant and applicable to your current (or future) graduate degree program.
- 2). Ensure that you received a B average or better for the credits you wish to transfer, as many university graduate programs do not accept credit for courses in which a student earned a C or below.
- 3). Request official, sealed transcripts from your previous graduate school. These will be needed to prove that accredited credits have been earned in your area of study at a previous institution.
- 4). Petition your current graduate school director for a transfer of credits. Most graduate schools offer specialized petition forms which must be completed and delivered to the graduate department (along with official university transcripts and a letter of intent to transfer credits).
- 5). Appeal denied credit transfers to the appropriate associate provost or graduate academic dean, who will act as an arbiter.
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