Home & Garden Home Design & Decorating

Early American Primitive Decorating Tips


    • Early American primitive decorating is a chance to capture a sense of nostalgia and history from earlier times, when simplicity ruled. The decision to incorporate early American style doesn't require a spending a fortune on antiques. The look can be achieved with simple pieces of furniture, family heirlooms, fabric and artwork true to the era.

    Color Scheme

    • When choosing furniture, dishes, accessories and fabric in an early American style, you can't go wrong using red, yellow, blue, green, brown and black. For wall color, consider antique white or pastel yellow. Mustard yellow is also a suitable color for both walls and furniture in the colonial style. Wood paneling was common during early America and is inexpensive today. Walls are kept simple, with color being captured in the fabric used in furniture, curtains and other adornments. Wall embellishment may consist of a simple stencil applied to wall borders.

    Furniture Styles

    • There is no single type of furniture that determines early American primitive style. The early Americans used basic wood pieces that may have included simple appliques rather than intricate carvings. Choose furniture in natural colors and pieces with obvious wear. Rocking chairs are considered ideal as they can be easily moved from one room to another. Utilizing items in non-traditional ways, such as a wooden chest turned on its side for an end table, also emulates early American decor.

    Colorful Fabrics

    • Color was brought into early American primitive homes in fabrics. Consider using woven handmade fabrics, cotton, braided rugs, quilted throws, gingham curtains and linen for kitchenware. Padded seat cushions made from woven fabrics add comfort, style and color to benches, chairs and rockers, while earth-tone upholstery is classic. Crocheted and embroidered pieces evoke the era of handcrafted accessories and provide added nostalgia.

    Home Essentials

    • The early American primitive style consists of simple walls, simple furniture and simple furnishings. Lamps, books, rugs, vases and dishes were modest staples. Other essentials included candles, candle holders, dolls and baskets. These objects are what seem to endear us to the era, as each item's simplicity also bears necessity.

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