The signs of drug abuse are too often obvious only after we find that there is a drug problem of long duration.
Once the problem has been percolating under the surface for a while, fixing it is much more difficult.
So it is useful to know and recognize indications of drug use.
The first sign to watch for, and I mean that literally, would be changes in general attitude.
For many reasons, this is probably the most important indication of drug use.
It is important because it will be the first tip-off you will see.
Unfortunately, it is likely to be missed because there are so many possible reasons for altered behavior.
The idea that young people just naturally have nasty attitudes toward their elders is a lie.
Something has occurred to turn sweet little Johnny or Susie into a sneering, condescending pain in the neck.
It does not "just happen.
" Something is going down that is not out in the open.
Secrets are being kept about an activity that would not be approved of, and it is not always going to be drug abuse, but something that this young person knows would not be allowed or condoned, he is doing.
Changes in friends and new acquaintances who seem a little bit different from the old crowd.
This sign is a little tricky too.
Kids or young adults change their buddies on a pretty regular basis, so it is not a sure sign of drug abuse.
However, when the people hanging around are nearly all recently recycled and the old friends do not come around anymore, it is time to start looking more closely into their activities.
If the new friends seem a little shady to you, and you get a creepy feeling when they arrive, your feelings will most likely be completely correct.
Time to get very curious.
Putting down the old hobbies and favorite activities.
Sudden changes in interests can happen for many reasons, and a person, young or old, can lose interest in old pursuits and find new ones pretty regularly.
But when this is coupled with two or more of the other signs and symptoms listed here, it is another indicator that drugs or alcohol are at the bottom of the change.
Using drugs or alcohol against the wishes of parents or spouses is usually kept hidden.
This is especially true when the user is a son or daughter living at home, so some of their activities must be kept out of your sight.
Look for locks on doors, unexplained short trips outside, visits from friends that go immediately into the bedroom or basement, anywhere they cannot be observed.
As with the changed hobbies, this is not necessarily a sure sign of drugs or booze, but in combination with other signs, this one will nearly always be present.
This one is nearly always going to accompany drug abuse.
They will start lying a little and then making more and bigger lies.
This is also not a natural progression and points to something forbidden going on.
What else would they be hiding? Putting untruth between self and anyone who disapproves of their actions is more than typical, it is a nearly invariably a part of the whole drug symptoms package.
There are physical changes that will be necessary to watch for also, and another article will be coming soon to address those in detail.
But the users' behavior is usually the first indication of the existence of a drug problem.
Keep your eye out for these indicators and do not hesitate to move on your suspicions, but do it without making the person feel wrong or stupid.
Do not scold or lose your temper.
Check out my intervention articles on EzineArticles for more on how to approach the drug user.
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