- 1). Wipe pans clean with a soft cloth or paper towel whenever possible. Although you can wash them in warm soapy water, the less exposure to water, the better. Wash quickly and rinse with hot water. Wipe the pan dry with a dry cloth.
- 2). Place the pan on a medium high burner to allow all moisture to evaporate.
- 3). Add 2 to 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Swirl the pan to distribute the oil to all areas of the pan. Heat until the oil begins to smoke slightly. Turn off the burner and allow the pan to set until cool.
- 4). Wipe the inside of the pan with a paper towel. Be sure to coat the sides of the pan as well as the bottom. Your pan should have a thin coat of oil, but should not be greasy to the touch.
- 5). Repeat the procedure after every use to keep the pan in optimum condition.