Global Resorts Network: Is Global Resorts A Scam? Okay, so you’re online looking for a legitimate business opportunity and a way to make a full-time income working from home. You start checking out Global Resorts Network and you like what you see. Great company. Top quality product with real value for consumers. Lucrative business opportunity with a powerful, cutting edge pay plan. Realistic 6-Figure potential in your first year. And a culture of teamwork that gives you access to top caliber coaching and mentoring if you join the right leader. Everything looks solid. But then you come across an ad that screams: Global Resorts Network Scam! And all of a sudden you’re not so sure. This is what I call “Is It A Scam?” marketing, and it’s a very common tactic used by network marketers… because it works! As a marketer writing an ad or headline, your goal is to get people’s attention. “Is It A Scam?” marketing is effective because, unfortunately, there’s a lot of garbage online, and wondering if the biz opp you’re looking at is a scam is actually a very legitimate concern and one that needs to be addressed through research and due diligence. Here’s the problem, and something you should keep your eye out for. Most of the marketers using the “Is it a Scam?” technique fail to deliver the goods. You click on that ad and it takes you to a site that has nothing to do with the company you were researching. Instead it’s another hype-fest where some guy or gal is pitching you on their latest greatest opportunity with company XYZ where you can earn a gazillion dollars in your very first week without ever doing any work at all! I’m exaggerating here for fun, but you get the picture. And if you’ve been doing any kind of serious research you know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s super annoying for the searcher, and as a marketing strategy, it totally misses the mark. Because getting someone attention is only the first step. You then have to provide quality content that offers real answers to the searcher’s questions and real solutions t their problems. Otherwise, it’s just been an exercise in futility – for both parties. Anyone who’s serious about starting an online business and committed to doing their research will only be turned off by this kind of nonsense, click away from the page, and head back to Google to continue their search for real facts and real answers. As a marketer, you need to understand that, in the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter how many clicks you get or how much traffic you generate. Quality over quantity. The goal is high quality leads that translate into conversions. And using a bait-and-switch tactic isn’t going to get conversions. It’ll only piss people off. So if you’re a marketer and you want to use this strategy – be smart. Do your research. And deliver on the promise you made in your headline by offering an objective, fact-based review of the company in question. Done this way, you’re providing real value for your audience and you’ll attract quality leads just by being genuine and providing valuable information. It’s okay to say you think a company is a scam if you have fact based evidence to back you up. In that case, you’re doing people a great service. It’s also kosher to list the pros and cons of a given company and conclude that while not a scam, it’s still not a company you recommend … or you could conclude that it’s not a scam and you do recommend it… Just make sure you don’t go bashing a rival company or one of their leaders. Negative marketing doesn’t work. It only reflects poorly on you and your business. And it will come back to bite you. It’s okay to criticize, just do it in the right manner. As long as you tell the truth and keep it objective, you’re within bounds. At that point, if you want to mention your own opportunity, it’s good marketing practice to simply show how it stacks up against the company you just reviewed. Again, just keep it real. List the strengths of your opportunity and why you think people might want to join, without all the hype and “sales heavy” jargon. That way you just put it out there and let people make their own educated business decision. It’s perfectly okay to do “Is It A Scam?” marketing, as long as you deliver the goods. So let me do just that. The title of this piece asks: Is Global Resorts Network A Scam? The answer is unequivocal: Global Resorts Network is not a scam. And here’s the objective proof. Global Resort is a legitimate online business where you can earn a significant income working from home in a manner that is honest and ethical. Global Resorts Inc is a real company with actual corporate offices, real officers, and real employees. As an affiliate with Global Resorts Network you represent a 22 year old company that offers exclusive luxury resort memberships at an 80% discount. The product has stand-alone real world value and is backed by the integrity of a proven company with an impeccable track record spanning more than 2 decades. There are numerous affiliates with Global making 6-Figure incomes. The top producers with Global earn in the high six figures. And it’s not one of those “pyramid” deals where only the guys who got in on the ground floor can do well. As a brand new affiliate with Global you have an opportunity to earn a significant income, as long as you join the right team, get the proper coaching and mentorship, learn how to market effectively, apply what you learn and then turn around and teach others to do the same. At the same time, there are some Global affiliates who make absolutely no any money at all. So if you’re considering Global resorts, here are the real questions you should be asking yourself: 1) Is Global Resorts Network the right fit for you?2) If you do join, how can you be successful? Being an affiliate with Global Resorts Inc can be an extremely lucrative opportunity if you have right marketing skills, know how to generate traffic and get your offer in front of the right target audience. If you decide that Global Resorts is a good fit for you, your next step is to find a leader who will teach you how to market effectively and avoid the pitfalls so you can accelerate your learning curve, master the principles of smart marketing, and become profitable as soon as possible.