Health & Medical Nutrition

Ignoring the Hype and Following The Mediterranean Diet

Moving beyond the belief in diet plans is one of the most difficult factors for most addicted-to-Hollywood sheeple. Every day they are indoctrinated with stories of how they can lose fifty pounds weekly all by getting some fast solution, following some wonderful fluid diet plan or by getting this complement or drinking this protein shake or consuming this energy bar, all items produced by organizations whose only purpose in life is to profit off of meaningless sheep who can't think for themselves.

Thus, you have the current obesity plague in the United States, where over 70% of the inhabitants are considered obese or fat. A country of fat people who are being meticulously engineered to be heavier and heavier annually and led to the slaughter by wolves in sheep's outfits, appealing to the lambs with guarantees of immediate weight loss and wonderful looks and god-like bodies and physiques if they will only take this pill€¦.step this way€¦drink our shake€¦trust us€¦we'll make you look better, feel better, be hotter, sexier, more attractive.

The reality is that there is only one way to achieve true wellness and fitness, and that is by following a whole foods diet plan and routine. Fortunately, these exist, although they aren't publicized on television because these types of programs don't create the weight loss organizations any money. Instead, wellness and fitness is coming from the Earth, from the very vegetation that grows around us for 100% completely free.

It is a fact that The Mediterranean Diet Plan and lifestyle is the most excellent forms of living known to Man. There have been hundreds of studies conducted over the years, all of them resulting in the same conclusion: the individuals of the Mediterranean region aren't fat, they don't suffer from cancer, diabetic issues or all the other sicknesses destroying the people of the U.S. and nations following the traditional Western diet plan of hamburgers and dietary supplements and supplements and drinks and energy cafes and low-fat this and diet-that.

However, the greatest belief is that The Mediterranean Diet is a weight loss or diet plan program. It's not. It is a lifestyle for the individuals in the area who simply follow the same way of eating that has been handed down down for years since the periods of the Historical Ancient Greeks and Romans. Virgin olive oil, milk products, fruit and vegetables seven to ten times per day, fish, almost no red meats, only a few eggs per week and plenty of red wine. All of this, along with physical exercise and outdoor activities and fitness causes one thing: Olympian wellness and fitness through whole foods and a healthier way of life.

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