Most people who find out that they have herpes feel ashamed, guilty and embarrassed.
They also try to find out more about the disease, through the internet for example.
That is very good, but there are some problems with it.
The information found on the internet about herpes is bleak and information about alternative treatment is full of false claims.
The first thing people should to when they get herpes is to recognize prodromes.
Prodromes are the first symptoms of herpes, which occur about 48 hours to 5 days before any infection occurs.
If you try to stop the prodromes, you are 10 times more successful, then to wait until the itching starts.
It will also reduce the chances of infecting your sexual partner.
You have to be aware of your body and understand, what it tries to tell you.
Many things can trigger herpes symptoms.
But it is mostly connected to your mood and your feelings.
The important thing is to remember the way you were feeling during your day.
So when your outbreaks occur, you can look back and see how you felt before the outbreak.
If you find a connection, it is easier to prevent it happening.
Emotions and health are very closely related and the more you know about yourself, the more effective the treatment.
You should also pay attention to your food, stress, the amount of sleep you get, travelling, exposure to sun and so on.
The things that can shift your hormonal balance and trigger the symptoms.
So pay attention to your body and your emotions.
It is easier to stop herpes before infection or shortly after it.
Medical treatment and natural treatment both have their advantages and disadvantages.
They seem to discredit each other and, they also do not have the best of intentions in mind.
Pharmaceutical industry does a lot of lying, manipulating and cheating.
The main aim is to get more profits, from various drugs.
But most drugs are studied very carefully, but that itself does not eliminate long term side effects.
One side effect of herpes drugs like Valtrex, Zovirax is kidney failure.
But combining medical treatment with natural treatment can have the best results.