If you can think to all the latte's and movies, and clothes, games, you name it that most are guilty for consuming, think of all the manufacturing going on to meet the demand for lap tops, for instance, they make millions of them, where ninety percent are made obsolescent.
So what am I getting at? You can hit two birds with one stone, buy recycling goods, buy local, if you're going to buy something new, think about what you are supporting before you buy.
When I traveled up the five of California I noticed one thing more than the rest, can you guess? Semi trucks madly marching in unison with no mind to smaller vehicles, night and day, on tight schedules, burning, burning gas fumes that turn the nowhere Americas into little gas station hells.
So how did this method come into play, this sprawl, this unlocal commuting all over the place like ants that don't know one another's names.
Is it easy to get along with your fellow ants in such a way of life, your neighbors as strangers, your job across town with a two hour drive on the highway? Not very likely that you know them all that well since communities are few and far between, so you honk cantankerously when late for work, mean while at home your kids are watching TV and playing games, chances are more than half of them will get obese before they reach eighteen but who has time to tell them the right way if media just overpowers their influence anyway? Anymore it is about the lives of the glamorous, the successful, (the magazines in the grocery store) yeah I have worked for a lot of celebrities and rich people that young teens so heavily adore, and what I can say is, fake, fake, fake, their image symbol is completely fabricated that some well paid publicists created, yet for the young and impressionable, they take this image to heart.
Many recognize this problem but they treat it as the way it is, and continue to go day after day in confusion to why things are a little off, why you cannot seem to trust a single stranger anymore, or even a friend, what happened? Okay, I could go on about problems, there are many, yet what about solutions, there is only one way out of this: To rid main stream corporation owned media, politician influence, corporate chains, (at least the big ones that are monopolizing out of control) and figure out a way to live out of suburbia.
Suburbia is a dream that lasted an era after world war two but wasn't designed to last long (they were met to get people out of cities, away from the hustle bustle) but what happens when oil doesn't compensate for the one hundred and fifty vehicles for every one hundred Americans? Yeah, the suburbia will have to start gardening inevitably to survive, then the people will stay put and get to know their neighbors, and what happens then, a community, local farmers markets, barter etc.
What you can do in your every day life determines that outcome for all, not that six billion people are easy to imagine, but first of all you have to think about all the cultures and ways of life out there, how are these villages managing in their mud huts and rain forests? How are we managing over here in North America, Europe, and Asia? Everyone has their own ideas of spirituality, now more than ever is a time of meditation, prayer, studying, art, music, love, Thai.
chi, Qi gong, yoga, fellowship, reading, adventures, experimentation, creativity, organic gardening, communes, bicycles, and community gatherings, but not TV.
Purify your impressions by shutting out all main stream media, public radio is run by the people, funded by the people, so they have no control on what kind of news is heard, accept the truth, yet I would say get involved after you listen.
Get involved by not over consuming, there...
now you know, every time you go into Wal mart, order things off Amazon, walk into a Starbucks and get a cappuccino, buy something that was shipped all the way from china, or far away from you town (most generic grocery stores buys from cross country distributor corporations that cause these nightmare semis on the highways) I'm not saying shut off and become a monk, (say that's not a bad idea) you should go to the movies if you want but just understand about the Bentleys, private jets, Beverly hill houses, and maids that you are funding, (I have seen them and it isn't pretty as it claims to be) you are spinning this powerful web that throws the world off balance.
Start creating and stop over consuming, I know this sounds like a rant, and maybe it is, but this is my way of connecting with others about my ideas that aren't necessarily right for everyone, but more a bit of guidance from someone that has done the suffering on the streets to find out the truth about living simply.
Of everything I said, this is just to clear our minds so that we can then clear our environment, but we have to also have a clear environment to clear our heads, hmm...
I guess we should stop cluttering life up with a consumer nightmare first.
You have the right to speak of your ideas, and be heard, no matter what some institution says, you have the right to change 'the way it is.
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