Society & Culture & Entertainment Environmental

Ways to Encourage the Older Generations to Become Environmentally Conscious by Making Small Changes

A lot of people do not like change especially older people in this country.
Many people have a set way that they enjoy living their life and to disrupt that routine would be something they would resist.
Unfortunately, the environment not only needs all people to help to try to reverse some of the damage that is being done by people on this planet, but also those who are resistant to trying more environmentally conscious steps as well.
There are so many things that people can do to help the environment and to fight against the strong element of global warming that is occurring right now.
If each person chose to try to implement just a few steps and changes in their daily routines, it would make an enormous impact.
Some of those very small changes and recommendations will be discussed in this article like using recyclable bags and reusable bags when going grocery shopping or changing your light bulbs to more energy efficient ones are just a couple of examples.
Many people of the younger generations are active participants in energy efficient living and doing things to try to counteract the effect that global warming is having on the earth.
It is the older generations, that not only need to be educated on the importance of this but also showed some of the simple changes they can incorporate into their daily routines that are not that hard to do.
As the saying goes, baby steps are the best way to encourage the older generation of some of these ideas and help them to get started.
A great way to get some of your older relatives or neighbors started would be to buy them some canvas tote bags that can be used to go grocery shopping instead of using the plastic bags that the stores pack up the food into.
They are more likely to use them if they are a gift from you.
Suggest that they keep them in their car so they always have them handy anytime they need to shop in any kind of store that uses plastic bags.
Another tip is to help them to replace all of their light bulbs in their home to more energy efficient ones and tell them how much money they will save by using them as well as how they are much more environmentally friendly.
Many older Americans that lived through the Depression value the dollar and are quite frugal so knowing that by changing their light bulbs to new ones will save them money in the long run will appeal to them.
Another change to incorporate may get a little more resistance and that is dealing with what they consume.
If they purchase plastic water bottles, encourage them to buy a water filter pitcher and a reusable water bottle instead to get the purified and filtered water they like to drink.
Also mention, that studies show that most bottled water that you buy have contaminates in it and are not that clean.

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