You've perhaps already heard a lot of advice on what you should do to save marriage from divorce. Probably the usual stuff: communicate, spend time alone, get support from your family, go see a marriage counselor etc. Well, it doesn't matter how much you hear none of it is going to help you one little bit if you don't do something with the advice.
Certainly in order to save your marriage it will require a lot of time, effort, and commitment, by both of you, but it is possible. There is no doubt you can save your marriage regardless of how bad your relationship has become as long as three essential elements are true about your relationship. These elements are an ability to communicate, honesty, and trust. Without even one of these elements you are going to find it difficult to love, respect and appreciate each other. And those are qualities that are necessary for you to have a solid marriage.
It will take commitment and determination on both of your parts if you are going to save your marriage from divorce. It doesn't really matter what the underlying problems are or who is at fault.
Right off the bat you need to let your spouse know your intentions to save your marriage. Once this is out in the open, it will be easier to move ahead. Even if at this point your spouse is not interested in working on restoring your marriage.
Relationships are really fragile bonds that to need effort to strengthen and maintain in order to keep them flourishing.
Often one of the struggle points in a marriage is conflict. So one of the things you need to learn how to do is handle conflict correctly so that it produces positive outcomes and strengthens your relationships.
Another struggle point is control. When one or both people in a relationship try to control the other or how they do things (either through intimidation or manipulation) there are problems for sure. Control isn't very obvious and often is difficult to recognize at first, but can become very serious. It not only shows a lack of respect for the other but is contrary to the partnership that a marriage is supposed to be.
While some problems can be as small like picking up the kids from school, others are much more serious like how the finances of the family are being managed. It doesn't matter what your problems are it is far more difficult to reach out and ask for help if you are the only who sees the problems.
Therefore it is very important that you take some time and talk to your spouse about the problems you have been experiencing and discuss what can be done to solve them. Don't be afraid to take a little time for each of you to think through in order to come up with solutions that will work for both of you. Far too often we rush at solutions and settle for ones that aren't the best.
Once you've identified your problems and have come up with some good solutions you need to try them out. So if your marriage is struggling and you want to avoid a divorce, be prepared and take action.