There are ways to make a guy irresistible and will make the girl longing for you. Here are some basic ways that can make you irresistible to the girls.
Ask her opinion on things that interest her -Always ask question about her favorite things, all topics that may excite her. In this way, she will be able to open up herself to you and you will be able to know her more.
Let her know some interesting chapters of your life -Let her know that you are the type of guy that will never leave her. By telling some facts about your life, she will be able to know you and as time goes on a feeling will develop.
Be her confidant - Girls need someone to talk and rely in times of trouble. Give your shoulder and ears so that she can have a shoulder to cry on and someone to listen to her.
Make her dependent on all things - In this way, she will be able to know your importance when you are away. Making her realize that your presence brightens her day will make her grew fond of you.
Make her smile and laugh at all times - Always tell a joke so that her smile will always show. Girls like guys who can make them smile and make their worries away.
Respect and protect her at all times - Do not forget to respect her as person. Protect her just like how you protect you family members. Let her know that you value her so much in your life. Show them the true meaning of being a gentleman. Be careful with your actions and body language, it might disrespect her. Treat all girls you know with the same manner so that they see your consistency.
Now Listen Carefully-
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