- 1). Work the sharp end of a rat-tail comb through your brush several times to loosen the hair. Pull the loosened hair out of the hair brush and discard it. The teeth of the comb can also be used to dislodge the hair from the bristles. Clean the hair from the brush every day.
- 2). Fill your bathroom sink with warm water. Swish the brush through the warm water several times. Don't allow the brush to soak in the water, as soaking can damage the bristles
- 3). Place a few drops of shampoo on an old toothbrush. Use the soapy toothbrush to scrub your hair brush, then rinse the hair brush with warm water.
- 4). Empty the bathroom sink and refill it with warm water. Add 3 to 4 tbsp. white vinegar to the water. Dip the hair brush into the vinegar and water mixture and swish it around a few times. The vinegar will remove any remaining hair product or soap.
- 5). Place the hair brush on a folded towel with the bristles of the brush facing down. Allow the brush to dry overnight.
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