Although the use of affirmations includes repeating them often so that our subconscious will take over, there is nothing "other worldly" about them.
We are simply training ourselves to think positive.
Do affirmations help? Yes.
Most definitely! Here is how to choose affirmations that will help you make your life better.
Make your affirmation believable If you don't believe your affirmation is possible, you won't be able to put the effort into seeing it happen.
For example, "I will marry a millionaire", is so far from our current life that we can't find it believable.
It is a dream, not an affirmation.
(Another note here: We recommend affirmations be in the present tense - but that's another lesson.
For now, affirmations can be future tense when we are setting goals.
) An affirmation should state what you want without being too much of an exaggeration.
A much better affirmation would be: "I will marry someone whom I love and who makes a comfortable living.
" This affirmation is one that you can believe and can take steps to achieve.
Repeat your affirmation often In order for your subconscious to pick it up and make it automatic, it has to be repeated often.
Basically, you are programming your mind to remember what you want so that you subconsciously make decisions that will help you achieve your goal.
One way to repeat affirmations is to put them on post-its that you place around your house (on the fridge, on the bathroom mirror, on the cupboard, and other places you'll see them).
This can be effective on its own, or can be used with other affirmation techniques.
Don't try to control what happens While you should take steps to achieve your affirmation, don't try to control what happens in your life.
If your affirmation was to marry someone who makes a comfortable living, and someone comes into your life who makes minimum wage, the decision is yours.
You can choose to let go of your affirmation or to continue looking.
Creating Your Affirmation
- Affirmations work best when they are stated in the present tense.
"I will be a better parent" is a good affirmation, but it allows you to wait for it to happen.
"I am an excellent parent" is better because it implants itself in your subconscious as current.
You are doing it now.
Your subconscious will help you do it. - Keep your affirmation as short as possible.
It will work much better and faster than a wordy affirmation.
(And it is easier to say.
) - Repeat it often.
Basically, you are programming your mind to remember what you want so that you subconsciously make decisions that will help you attain your goal. - Don't use negative affirmations.
"I will not bully my child" is not a good affirmation.
It will work faster if you use the positive approach.
"I am a calm parent" is positive and will reinforce your objective. - Make your affirmation feel right for you.
The more you believe in the affirmation, the sooner you will achieve your goal. - Time your affirmations.
Find a time to reinforce your affirmations.
First thing in the morning as you brush your teeth is an excellent time to reinforce your affirmations.
As you get ready for bed is also a great time.
If you reaffirm your affirmations as you get ready for bed, your subconscious will continue your affirmation while you sleep. - You also want to repeat your affirmations several times throughout the day to help embed it in your subconscious.
Create your affirmation, repeat your affirmation.
Trust your affirmation.
These tips will help you set and achieve your goals.