Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

The Athlete Heart

What is the athlete heart? It is the heart of the individual who realizes that his fitness is his responsibility. You must love yourself enough to maintain your health by living right, exercising and taking care of yourself. Exercise can be a key element to maintaining your health. Once a doctor has said it is alright for you to exercise; it is your responsibility to exercise so that you can enjoy a higher quality of life.

Professional athletes do not own the rights to the athlete's heart. You must exercise for yourself by setting realistic goals for yourself. Money should not your driving force to maintain your health. What happens when the money run out? Do you stop taking care of yourself? No! It is best to make the athlete heart mentality a life long process regardless to weather you have money or not. Status, money and position will never corner the true athlete heart.

I was riding on the subway one day in New York, and as usual some one started yelling out. Something that this lady said really got my attention; I never forgot her powerful words she spoke that day. She said your health is your wealth; think about it. It is important to maintain athlete heart mentality. Your satisfying and endure wealth will come by your developing a regular routine of exercise. Do not let the weather stop you from maintaining your exercise routine, you can workout inside or outside. No Excuses Please!

You must see your health as a precious gift that must be cherished. People will never understand you as well as your understand yourself. Your health is your responsibility.
I can tell you from experience that you better take care of you because very few people really and truly care about you. You should not be concerned about what other think about your athlete heart mentality; their issues are just that their issues.

The athlete heart should be approach as a life long commitment; it has no ending point. Once you step on its road you must keep the trust. It is a life long commitment that is worthy of your attention. I have been traveling its road for a while, and as I get older, I become even more committed. I hope you will have fair weather as you travel.

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