Society & Culture & Entertainment Arts & Crafts Business

How to Build a Rug Loom

    Building a Loom

    • 1). Drill 1" deep holes at 1" intervals along the board to form the base. The holes should be slightly wider than the ½" doweling.

    • 2). Measure and mark 4" sections along the wooden doweling. You need 15-4" pegs. If your doweling is 60" long you will have just enough, if less than 60" calculate so you have the proper number of pegs.

    • 3). Drill a hole through each peg that is about 1" from an end. The hole should be large enough for whatever size warp string you prefer to pass through.

    Make a Rag Rug

    • 1). Cut 15 lengths of string into sections that are double the length you want your rug to be. Thread each string through a peg and double it back and tie it loosely to the other end.

    • 2). Cut or tear material into strips that are no wider than 2 inches and as long as possible. Tie one end of a strip of material, or "rag" around the peg at one end of the loom.

    • 3). Weave the rag in and out of the pegs. When you reach the last peg, continue weaving back in the opposite direction. Tie another rag to the strip you are working with when that piece runs out, and continue weaving. Tie the rag strip around one of the pegs when the material reaches the top pf the pegs.

    • 4). Lift each peg out of its hole and slide the woven section off the peg and down the string, replacing each peg afterward. Continue weaving the rags and sliding the sections off the pegs until there is no room left on the strings.

    • 5). Cut the strings near the peg end of the rug and tie tightly to prevent raveling.

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