Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

How to Turn on Pulse-Data on an Exercise Bike

    Clip-On Monitor

    • 1). Confirm that the monitor cord reaches you comfortably. This cord will be attached to a plastic alligator clip and plugged into the bike. Most of the time this isn't a problem, but you can purchase an extension if it's too short.

    • 2). Clip the alligator clip over the index finger of your off hand--your left hand if you're right handed and vice versa.

    • 3). Check your range of motion by moving your hand with the clip attached. If it pulls at any point, keep it in mind during your workout.

    • 4). Wear the clip throughout your workout.

    Electrical Induction

    • 1). Wipe your hands dry. Water can cause an electrical induction pulse monitor misread.

    • 2). Grip the bicycle handle on the metal plates. Don't squeeze, as this can cause a misread. Simply hold on.

    • 3). Wait for the bicycle to respond. Different models have different indicators, but in most cases it's pretty dramatic. Your digital workout information getting replaced with a giant, flashing heart is a common example.

    • 4). Hold for 6 to 10 seconds. Your bicycle will then show your current heart rate on the monitor.

    Reading Results

    • 1). Scan your readout panel to find the heart rate readout. This is usually labeled with the words "heart rate," the letters "HR" or a small heart logo.

    • 2). Toggle the readout if necessary. Some bicycles will have two kinds of information you can toggle between on a single readout (for example, miles per hour and minutes per mile). If your heart rate information shares a readout, look for a button to select heart rate. This is usually labeled "display." Many models will automatically cycle through both options at regular intervals.

    • 3). Cycle for 1 to 2 minutes before paying any attention to the readouts. Then use the heart rate monitor every 3 to 5 minutes throughout your workout.

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