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Mend Your Broken Heart With These Strategies

Have you recently been a victim of heartache? Do you have trouble concentrating on work, school, or life in general due to your broken heart? The world still turns, so do not worry. Your heart is still beating, and you are still breathing. However devastated you might feel right now, you can still fix that broken heart.

These hints will help ease the pain:
  • Even though you probably do not feel like it, smile and laugh anyway. Even if you have to force it, you should try it. Watch your favorite comedy movies and TV programs to help take your mind off of your heartbreak.
  • Listening to sad music will only make you feel sorry for yourself. Instead, listen to upbeat music. Make sure to avoid all songs that will remind you of your former lover.
  • Pointing fingers and blaming (even yourself) does no good. Whatever you do, do not think "What if I did this?" or "What if I did that?" Such thoughts will only make you more frustrated.
  • Whatever you do, don't contact your ex girl or boyfriend. You shouldn't say to yourself how will I get my ex back or think about how to pull your ex back. Remove him/her from your Facebook friends lists immediately. Don't send any instant messages or call your former lover. Most importantly, NEVER, EVER BEG! Begging with your former lover will only make you seem desperate, and he or she will only look down on you for it.
  • Avoid non-constructive distractions and turn to positive ones instead. Avoid things that will harm you like drinking and drugs. "Healing" pain and anguish by using pills is only hiding the problem, leading to addiction. This will only hurt you more than it will help you.
  • Crying is OK. Screaming in anger is understandable. Get a punching bag or take anger management classes if you have to. Do whatever constructive or harmless thing you can to get the frustration and anger out.
  • Whatever you do, do not shut yourself away from the world. Take a couple of days off and get out of town. So long as you're not going somewhere that reminds you of your ex, go out with your friends. Discover new things and places.
  • Help others whenever possible. Helping other people deal with their issues often makes it easier to deal with yours. Doing volunteer work or donating to charity helps you feel better about things. You could also offer your support to others who're going through break ups.
  • Make a list of your positive qualities and strengths. A breakup can really hurt your self esteem. You can improve your self esteem by making a list of your good qualities. This will make it easier to move on and start a new relationship or meet new people.

If you follow these tips on mending your heart break, you will feel better before you know it! Just remember that time heals all wounds, so no matter how sad and horrible you feel right now, you'll eventually start feeling better about yourself and life in general.

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