Home & Garden Landscaping & Garden & Landscape

Do-It-Yourself Wood Clothesline Posts

    Make the Posts

    • 1). Cut two, 10 foot, 4-by-4 posts off at 36 inches with a miter saw to create two 36-inch long cross members and two 7 foot posts.

    • 2). Set a sliding compound miter to cut 1 3/4 inches deep with the slide stop adjustment, found on most saws to the right of the trigger, on the hinge. Adjust the screw in or out as needed and flip the stop down, to make the saw ride in and out at the desired height.

    • 3). Measure down from one end of each 7 foot piece of both posts 6 inches and mark them. Measure 9 1/2 inches and mark. Place a piece of 2-by-4 against the fence to space the 4-by-4 out for a square back cut.

    • 4). Place the post on the saw and slide the blade through repeatedly, cutting the material away between the two marks, moving the post 1/8 inch after each cut, to create a notch, 1 3/4 inches deep and 3 1 /2 inches wide.

    Install the Posts

    • 1). Mark the 36-inch pieces the same way, with the 3 1/2 inch notch centered in the length of the piece. Notch these short pieces as before. Fit the 36-inch cross members to the 7 foot long posts, with the notches fitted together snugly. Tap them in place with a hammer.

    • 2). Drive three, 3-inch treated deck screw through each cross member into the post.

    • 3). Determine how far apart you want the posts and dig two post holes 24 inches deep and 10 inches across in the spots where the posts will be placed. The maximum distance between poles should be about 10 feet. Set one post in each hole, with the solid face of the post in toward the opposite post.

    • 4). Fill the holes around the posts in with dirt and pack it well. Tie clothesline between the cross members of the posts, two lines on each arm.

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