In today's world where people are turning health conscious day by day, accepting yearly health check up packages and opting for organic food and rice bran oil for maintaining good health. What many of us do not know is that along with these health checkups there is one very important test which will help to a great extent in giving right insight of a person's body and this test is known as HTMA. Its full form is HAIR TISSUE MINERAL ANALYSIS.
Is hair important just because it adds to your beauty? The reply is NO. Actually hair is the mirror of your health. If you come across hair problems means body is internally disturbed. Apart from hair giving you a socially acceptable appearance and enhancement of your beauty, it also reflects your body health i.e. fit or unhealthy.
Let's give you some examples to better highlight that hair is indeed a "mirror of your health".
1) Person going through phase of stressful lifestyle, acute illness or malnutrition can suffer from many hair disorders.
2) Person suffering from thyroid, PCOD and hirsuitism have associated hair problems with them as well.
3) Individual going through treatment such as chemotherapy, intake of isotret medications, steroid or antibiotics do report hair health issues as well.
Taking into account above examples we can't afford to neglect hair problems as hair is a reality check of your health. Do take care of your hair problems such as hair thinning, dandruff and hair fall as it might suggest that your body is suffering from serious illness which is reflecting through your hair problems. Immediate course of action should be to visit the trichologist. Hair issues are so sensitive to internal health problems that many a times the patient comes with a hair problem to a trichologist and with the tests and history a health problem is then detected.
Keeping above points in mind we should cultivate a habit of having regular hair check up done by professional hair and scalp specialist -Trichologist, instead of waiting for the problem to aggravate.
Technology advancement has helped in coming up with a very nice & effective test - HTMA. It measures ratio of nutrients, toxic metals in the body tissues. The test is not much helpful as a diagnostic measure but it is much more helpful if one wants to take preventive measure when it comes to health.
Benefits of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test:-
1) Collection of hair specimen is easier and faster in comparison to blood, urine or stools.
2) This test is reasonably priced than other mineral test done by various methods.
3) The results of minerals evaluated through hair test are more reliable and less fluctuating than blood investigation.
4) Through this single test result of 35 minerals and many toxic metals and its ratios can be evaluated.
5) Body's metabolic type can also be known through this test with much accuracy and the end results obtained are more definite.
Do you know the secrets of having picture perfect hair that you want to be proud of? Do you want to finally regain your confidence having perfect, healthy hair that you have always dreamed of? If yes, watch this advanced free hair care video. Plus you will also get a free telephone counseling session where one of our senior trichologists will call you personally and help you one-on-one to answer any hair queries you might have.
How to grow long hair? If this has been one of the most pressing questions for you then read this article - how to grow long hair.