If you're embarrassed by wet marks on your shirt or the feeling of sweat dripping down your back, you're not alone. Everyone sweats and some people find their bodies producing more than usual. If this is you, here's eight ways to stop sweating.
Antiperspirants versus Deodorants
We all know that putting on deodorant helps eliminate odor from perspiration. But, unlike antiperspirants which obstruct pores and thus lead to warmer body, deodorants get rid of the odor and allow the sweat to flow. Not only does this cool you down in the long run, which means less sweat, it is also a healthier option.
Clean Up
Sweat mixes with bacteria, dead skin cells, and other things on your skin, causing odor and blocking pores. Bathing regularly will correct this and cut down on extra perspiration since your body will have the chance to cool down.
Less Body Hair
You wouldn't think that a simple shave would mean less sweat but that's exactly what happens. Hair not clogs pores by trapping oil and bacteria, but it's purpose in warming you will cause extra perspiration. Grab a razor for immediate relief.
Maintain A Healthy Weight
As well as adding weight that your body must carry around, fat naturally insulates the body. Someone who is overweight will perspire more frequently and heavily than someone who is not. Losing extra pounds and maintaining a healthy weight will cut back on sweat, too.
Sip Some Tea
Both black tea and sage tea contain a compound called tannin which is an astringent. Astringents, such as the types used in face washes, help dry out skin and remove excess buildup or oil.
Fix Diet
The nature of some foods cause you to sweat when you wouldn't or more than you would otherwise. Spicy foods, for example, make many people produce extra moisture. Some studies have also suggested that too much iodine produces more sweat. Adjusting the type of food you eat may assist you.
Not all perspiration is caused by overheating. Many times stress or anxiety contribute more to over-production of sweat than heat. Learn to calm raging emotions and relax your physical body to maintain less perspiration. If going to a big event, for example, is stressful, use a breathing method or mental technique to smooth your anxiety. You'll feel better and more worry won't be caused by a damp back or armpits.
Hopefully, you found these tips useful enough to cut down on those embarrassing moments. Finding a good balance for this common discomfort will not only bring you peace of mind but can be more convenient, as well.
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