- 1). Pick up animal feces in your yard on a daily basis. Hookworms can live and breed in fecal matter, and will rapidly migrate to moist soil, where they can live for several weeks.
- 2). Mix a solution of 1 gallon of water and 3 cups of household bleach. This mixture will not harm your yard, although stronger concentrations can kill vegetation. Spray the yard with this solution to kill hookworm larvae, concentrating on areas where your animal defecates.
- 3). Place rat poison in areas where mice and rats may live, such as under decks or along the foundation of your home. Rats and mice can rapidly transport hookworms. Choose anticoagulent rodenticide, which is a type of rat poison that causes internal bleeding. There are antidotes available for anticoagulent rodenticides, in case your pet accidentally ingests the rat poison.
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