Viral marketing is one of the most powerful marketing techniques that most internet marketers adopt as an integral part of their marketing strategy.
Different marketers develop different strategies for achieving the most effective viral marketing.
Let us look at the 3 most powerful tips to see the success with viral marketing through writing articles.
Offer Permission for Free Distribution When you submit your articles to the different article directories, you must attach a permission statement for free distribution in the 'author resource' section.
For example, you can write: "You can distribute the article for free provided the author resource section remains intact.
" In this way you can get the publishers to present the whole author's section with the article instead of just publishing your name with it.
Offer as a Free Mini-Course Offering your articles in the mini-course format can be a great option for viral marketing.
Usually your targeted visitors take a keen interest in mini-courses.
You can offer a free mini-course subscription against an opt-in form.
At the end of the session, you can attach a free distribution disclaimer, however, keeping the author resource section intact.
Offer as a Free E-Book You can also distribute an e-book for free.
In fact, free e-book distribution is considered as one of the most powerful viral marketing strategy.
You have to strategically insert the affiliate link or any other promotional link within the content of the e-book.
You don't even need to write separate articles for the e-book.
You can design an excellent e-book with the articles that you have already submitted to different article directories and e-zines.