Health & Medical Yoga

Runner"s Yoga - The New Way to Prevent Common Running Knee Injuries

Knee injuries can be a problem for beginning runners to elite competitors.
Its prevalence is why preventing common running knee injuries is so important to all runners, regardless of experience level.
Many runners focus on perfecting their running form or purchasing the right pair of shoes to keep injuries at bay.
And, while using proper form and equipment when running is highly beneficial, many of today's most forward-thinking runners are turning to yoga, a form of exercise dating back centuries, to keep their knees strong.
Common Running Knee Injuries Knee injuries can include:
  • Patella Tendonitis-- commonly called "runner's knee" causes pain at the front of the knee
  • Iliotibial Band Syndrome--causing discomfort on the outer side of the knee
  • Injury to the Cruciate Ligament--can sometimes create acute pain on the inside of the knee
  • Bursitis--often caused by a fall, bursitis occurs when swelling occurs within the bursa, fluid-filled sacks within the knee
For runners, yoga is especially helpful not only to prevent but to heal knee injuries.
Yoga helps runners improve their balance, thus avoiding falls.
Additionally, yoga builds strength and flexibility, factors believed to be important in knee injury prevention.
Finally, yoga has been shown to improve overall posture and can help insure alignment of the knee with adjacent areas of the body that support it.
Is Runner's Yoga for You? If you want to improve your endurance, protect and strengthen your body and become a more focused runner, the answer is a definite and enthusiastic "yes".
By incorporating the regular practice of yoga into your training routine, you can not only benefit from its well-established health and wellness benefits, you can also help ensure that your knees will keep you comfortably in motion for years to come.
Yoga can be practiced at a studio, and luckily studios can now be found in nearly every community.
Most runners will find that practicing yoga is most effective when done approximately three times per week.
For this reason, you may find it easier and more convenient to do your training at home.
At-home training programs such as Runner's Yoga have been developed to meet the special needs of runners.

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