We speak about content on a daily basis. We do this not only because Google tells us that its valuable, or that countless marketers keep mentioning that its the most important factor in SEO, but because we have great experiences with original, relevant content. We practice what we preach to our clients. We put a lot of emphasis on content, how its written, how its stationed on a specific site, and how its promoted.
After all the preaching, we still get many questions from prospects and clients on content. Heres a summary of the frequently asked questions as well as most important points;
What is Content?
Content is king. Its anything textual that describes your products or services while taking consumers into consideration. Its text that is written for a human being, not for a search engine. Its also images and videos about what you do or sell. Images and videos are also forms of content
How is Content Written / Prepared?
Content does not need to be literature. However, it needs to make sense. It needs to address consumers and users regarding the topic, products, or services offered. Of course, targeted content must be keyword rich. By that, we do not mean keyword stuffing, but actually using terms which are relevant to a specific topic or industry. For example, if you were writing about perfume, you would also want to mention fragrance, smell, cologne etc.
If its visual content, it must be creative. A simple photo of a product alone is not content. It usually is a combination of images, videos, and/or audio.
Who Writes Content?
Anyone can write content as long as theyre knowledgeable about the product, services, or the topic being discussed. Of course, the grammar and spelling need to be correct. Its better for a copywriter to write the content, taking the consumer or users point of view into consideration. This will enable the message to reach its target faster and more effectively.
Can I Translate Content Which is Already Online From Another Language and Use it?
Yes, however you must be very cautious. Content that is already published online might have been translated to English already. Content needs to be unique and relevant. Simply, it needs to be in your own words.
Can I copy from another online source?
No! That would create duplicate content. You cannot duplicate content unless you are the original author. You can read existing textual content and put it into your own words with your unique ideas, however you cannot just copy.
I see duplicate content such as press releases online all the time. How?
It all depends. If you are the author of a press release, and it gets distributed online through different sites and channels, that would be ok because all the copies would link back to the original release on your website. Google can identify this. However, if you copy someone elses content, and you are not the source, you could get in trouble.
Why does it cost so much to hire a copywriter?
Because writing original, unique, relevant content is not an easy task. It takes research, time and serious brainstorming to write about a specific topic and catch the readers attention.
Can I do SEO without content?
Heck, you could drive a car by putting it neutral and pushing, but that does not make it a good idea. It could be done without content, but it does not mean you are doing it the right way. Content is the life blood of SEO. Its the gasoline that runs the popularity engine.
Spend some time, do your research and if you want results, do a good job with content. The outcome of all this work will be worth it. And of course, if you need assistance or have questions, contact us.
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