Health & Medical Body building

Weight Lifting Routines - Getting That Chest to Pop Number 2

Part 2 of a I don't know how many series.
This is a subject that a lot could be said about.
Chest routines vary in approaches and as we saw from the last article, they are pretty simple to compile.
When choosing the routines, make sure that they all incorporate different parts of the chest.
It does you no good to do 3 sets of 8 reps if you do two different exercises that work out the similar way, i.
flat bench with the barbell and flat bench with the dumbbell.
Choose one for the day and then the next time do the other.
Now, I am gonna let you in on a little secret.
Something that tends to get overlooked or just plain forgotten.
Push ups is a long neglected workout element, but it is so natural and effective.
People tend to shy away from them because they can be easy to do or that they are boring.
Forget that.
Push ups are the bomb while incorporated into your routine.
So this is how you can incorporate push ups into your routines.
First, you can periodically do push ups through out the day.
Make it a goal to get maybe 1000 in by the end of the day, and that is in addition to your daily workout.
When I first began working out I was beyond push ups until a 65 year old man whose body was better than that of a 20 year old bodybuilder.
The man was Buff.
When I listened to him and incorporated his wisdom, I began to transform when I peaked out.
Second thing you could incorporate is something that is very intense.
What I am about to share will explode your endurance for you muscles and give you the ability to lift heavier and lift longer so that you can cause much more growth.
If you do push ups between your chest workouts, it will rock your world.
In 2004, when I got to my biggest, every time I worked out my chest I would do push up between sets.
I started off by doing 10 push ups, then lift, then do 10 more.
By the time I was done with my workout, I was barely able to get 2 push ups.
I saw my chest get thicker and my strength get stronger and my workouts get longer.
It was an amazing experience, since getting the chest to grow was my greatest battle.
So if you incorporate push ups into your life of weight lifting routines, you will see a drastic difference in how you feel, look and develop.

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