Going on a date for the first time with a new woman? Well, it pays to be prepared.
No, I am not referring to making sure that you have money on you or that your shoes are clean.
I am talking about knowing what to say and how to act in order to turn your date on.
After all, if you want to get a second one, you best make sure that they get what they want in order for you to get yours.
Now, guys everywhere seem to think that women are complicated and mysterious creatures that they would never, ever figure out.
This may be the case but there are certainly some things that you can do or say that would work in your favor, each and every time.
But of course, knowing these things would be useless if you cannot apply them properly and as such, we'll tackle that as well.
So, what sort of techniques am I talking about here? Well, let's start with the basics of what turns women on.
The Way You Look Pay attention to your appearance as this is the first thing that women will notice.
Make sure that you look presentable and that you're giving your date a good first impression.
If you plan on wearing cologne, make sure that the scent is not too overpowering.
Subtlety would always be better.
Be a Gentleman Treat you date nicely and make sure that you do things for her.
Simple things such as pulling out her chair for her, holding the door and complimenting how she looks would definitely go a long way.
Be smooth but not cocky.
Put the spotlight on her.
Learn How to Talk and Listen Show her that you are very interested in what she's saying and be sincere about it.
Of course, don't forget to open up as well if she turns the attention onto you.
Do not forget to flirt a little and depending on how your date reacts, you can be as aggressive as you want or play it more subtle.
Be a Bit Physical Yes, you like her very much but do you really think she'll appreciate aggressiveness? If this is the first date, it's all about subtlety.
This is what turns women on.
Touch her hand every now and then, look deep into her eyes, and tuck away any stray strand of hair that might be in her eyes or face.
As the conversation goes on, you might also want to whisper a few sweet nothings in her ear.
It is very easy to assume that acting all sexual and Casanova-like is the fastest way on accomplishing what turns women on but you would be surprised to know that this is certainly not the case for about 95% of the time.
Yes, there are women who prefer aggressive men but at the end of day, being a gentleman is still the best way to turn a woman on.
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