- 1). Learn how to identify a sweetsop plant. The sweetsop (Annona squamosa) is a small tree, never more than 20 feet in height. Its long, narrow leaves follow a simple alternate pattern, and its branches are skinny and plentiful. The sweetsop produces a small round fruit, dark in color, covered in scale-like bumps with off-white inner flesh. Sweetsop plants typically grow at the edges of fields and are a good sign that you are near a village or town, or at least the site of a home.
- 2). Locate a sweetsop.
- 3). Harvest the sweetsop fruit.
- 4). Peel the outer covering of the sweetsop fruit completely away, so that you are left only with the creamy white inner flesh of the fruit.
- 5). Eat the fruit's flesh raw.