Air conditioning process of bringing comfort to your home by appropriate heating or cooling process depending upon the conditions prevailing But just think even after installing an air conditioner you are not enjoying the benefit of air conditioning because each of their needs vary at a certain point of time. Suppose you return from your office, set the air conditioning to a comfortable temperature in you home and you settle down in the upper level of your office home to do some vital works ,but after some time you get a feeling that the air is getting warm. It may happen that others who are down stairs may at the same time be feeling too cold, had turned the switch to vary the temperature. Imagine there may be chaos, but they are feeling cold that's why the have changed.
It is a complex situation which has to be solved because the simple basic says that warm air will rise and cold air stays down, so what happened in this case is that as you have regulated the air conditioning in the upper floor to keep the warm air cool the rest of them are feeling cold and so uncomfortable.
So at present a single air conditioning system for the whole house is no longer a preferred option and it is advisable to have air conditioning zones at the time of building a home. Planning should be made regarding how many zones should your home have. The following aspects should be taken into consideration while zoning-
1) How different rooms in the house are designed for use
2) The house having the number of levels
3) Exposure of each room and the local humidity prevailing in your area
4) Life style of the family concerned.
In the zoning process you can have more than three zones depending on the size of your home and its usage. The zoning process divides your home into separately conditioned areas that need specific cooling or heating by the use of thermostats working independently of each other. Suppose you house has been divided in to two levels or more and the upper level is most commonly used it is advisable to have a separate zone for the lower level to be powered only during use rather than air conditioning the whole house which is not at all necessary. The use of air conditioning zones is rapidly becoming popular and is really catching fast among the people because of the energy and cost efficiency that it brings along with it. In this way air conditioning zoning will reduce energy bills and more over it will allow your other family members to be in their respective comfort zones of their preference.
So just don't hurry to install an air conditioning system there are various factors to be looked into before installing an air conditioning system otherwise you may not get the benefit of the air conditioning system installed. Consult with a reputed air conditioning company about your specific needs, let their professional first visit your home and see the size of the room, what position is each room in terms of direction, or whether any room you have with huge expanses which might require separate zone. Take time and arrive at the best solutions with the help of a certified, reputed air conditioning company.
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